Meaning and possible origins of the lastname Laurini


Presently, there are several assumptions regarding the meaning and the origin of our lastname:

1 - "Relative to Laurel" or "Small laurel", because the latin "laurinus" means relative to laurel (laurus in Latin), or because the diminutive of the plural of this Latin word can also give Laurini. Sacred tree to Greek and Roman and plant used for poets and emperors, the laurel was considered from the Greek as the tree of Apollo. The god was enchanted himself by Daphne (meaning laurel in Greek), daughter of the Poneo river. A day when Apollo pursued Dafne in order not to do fall into the arms of the unwanted suitor, invoked the protection of the gods who transformed it into a laurel. Since then, the tree became sacred to the god.

2 - Diminuitive of the Christian name Lauro, i.e. Laurino or Laurini. The name Lauro is not very used, except of the feminine Laura. Laurus was a martyr together his brother Florus. To see the icons of those martyrs, please have a look to, For the Saint Laurus'story, please read

3 - In the Italian province of Udine, in the village of Torreano, there is a hamlet name "Laurini", or "Laurins" in the past. See and some photos for more details. Here find information to arrive to the the Laurini hamlet.

4 - In the Campania region, in the municipality of Montella (Avellino) there was a hamlet named "Laurini". See Laurini of Montella; this name was originating from the name of an Italian tribe named "Laurinates" or  "Larinątes" or "Lavrinątes". See also this page of the book "Ancient Legends of Roman History" written by Ettore Pais in 1906. There was also a sort of stronghold named "Oppidum Laurinum". Please see for more details.

5 - In Italy, in the Dolomites mountains, there is a famous mount named Catinaccio, traditionnally known as "Rosen Garten", the rose garden of the King Laurin (Re Laurino). See or for the story, and for the nearby Parkhotel

6 - In the historical center of Roma, there is a street named "Via Laurina" mentionned in some books from 1614 (Theatrum Urbis di Pompeo Ugonio). The origins of the name are uncertain, probably coming from an hamlet named "Laurina", a stage used by pilgrims coming from the nord. Here is the plate dated 1598.

7 - In Roma were existing the "via del Lauro" and the small street of the Lavoro (vicolo del Lavoro), in a zone in the historical center which was remodelled a century ago.

8 - The proposition of the Historical Research Center.

9 - Near 1700, a person named Francesco Laurino living in Bussolengo (Verona) changed his lastname in Laurini.

10 - We were informed that several Croatian families changed his name into Laurini. Perhaps they were coming from the village Lovrin (in Italian, Laurini) near the city of Pazin (in Italian Pisino). See some issues of the official journal of the Italian Kingdom Gazzetta Ufficiale), 89, 93, 125, 224, 260 and 272.